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A simple email can change your business. We would love to tell you more about what we can do for you and your company.


617 Stokes Rd, Suite 4-167, Medford, NJ 08055

    our triumphs

    We don’t boast, our results speak for themselves…

    NYSDOT WorkSmartNY

    Today, the WorkSmartNY Program has evolved into a hybrid program, with r6catalyst conducting both online training sessions and in-person events

    NYPA Annual Report

    With sheer creativity, the editorial team wove the information gathered from research and interviews into a heart-warming narrative inspired by NYPA’s bold new vision and foundational pillars, that culminated into the 2020 AR.

    NJDOT Supportive Services Program

    By 2023, a total of 115 DBEs completed a rigorous instructor-led training program comprising over 20 advanced business and technical topics including business strategy, program management, technology, marketing, HR, leadership, contract law, financial management and accounting

    NJDOT Commitment to Communities Forum

    Over 450 representatives from the industry, business communities, and local government attended the Forum, demonstrating its success and impact.

    NYPA ESG Report

    Through detailed coordination, and meticulous research, r6catalyst developed a thorough and expressive account on NYPA’s progress towards achieving organizational-wide sustainability.

    2023 Conferral Report

    Collaboration with NYPA culminated in the completed 2023 Conferral Report where key themes and narratives were identified discussing the current state of New York State’s transition to clean energy, and how NYPA will become an essential factor in driving the renewable energy change.

    NYS ESD SuperCAP (Certification Analysis Program for MWBE’s)

    Our successful implementation of the pilot program resulted in the successful processing of over 950 MWBE certification applications.

    NYS ESD TCPC (Temporary Certification Processing Center)

    This monumental effort eliminated the certification backlog for ESD allowing for increased turnaround times for processing all future MWBE certification applications.

    4D Security

    By 2023, a total of 115 DBEs completed a rigorous instructor-led training program comprising over 20 advanced business and technical topics including business strategy, program management, technology, marketing, HR, leadership, contract law, financial management and accounting


    By 2023, a total of 115 DBEs completed a rigorous instructor-led training program comprising over 20 advanced business and technical topics including business strategy, program management, technology, marketing, HR, leadership, contract law, financial management and accounting